American Legion Canal Post 25’s Motto

“Veterans, Families, Communities, Always!”  Therefore, we support the communities in which we live.  Please see information and contact information for organizations our post sponsors:

Auxiliary Statement

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.

Sons of American Legion Mission Statement

Founded in 1932, Sons of The American Legion exists to honor the service and sacrifice of Legionnaires.

S.A.L. members include males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and were eligible for American Legion membership. Members of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion comprise the Legion Family, which has a combined membership of nearly 4.2 million.

Although Sons has its own membership, the organization is not a separate entity. Rather, S.A.L. is a program of The American Legion. Many Legionnaires hold dual membership in S.A.L.

Boy Scouts of America

American Legion Canal Post 25 is proud to support and sponsor – Boy Scouts of America, Troop 25.

Troop 25 was recently created and draws from boys around the Middletown, Odessa, and Townsend areas. We are committed to our community and sponsoring Troop 25 is part of our community support.

For more information, contact The American Legion Canal Post 25 at or call 302-265-0312.

Canal Post 25 Baseball

The league still stands behind the traditional values upon which it was founded in 1925. American Legion Baseball has taught hundreds of thousands of young Americans the importance of sportsmanship, good health and active citizenship. The program is also a promoter of equality, making teammates out of young athletes regardless of their income levels or social standings. American Legion Baseball has been, and continues to be, a stepping stone to manhood for millions of young men who have gone on to serve their country or community, raise families or play the sport at the highest level. Legion Baseball alumni include: Yogi Berra, Johnny Bench, Tony Gwynn, Jim “Catfish” Hunter, Tommy John, Chipper Jones, and Ryne Sandberg to name just few.

Canal Post 25 Baseball started in 2008.  Since 2009 they have qualified for every state tournament, even winning in 2011.  The team is made up of high school and college freshmen who are between the ages of 15 and 19 and who live in Southern New Castle County.  Some of the alumni are currently playing for Major and Minor League Baseball Teams.  Additionally, several alum have received scholarships to various colleges.

Home games will be played at Middletown High School, Middletown, DE.

For more information, contact The American Legion Canal Post 25 at or call 302-265-0312.